Your current location: Shop of东莞凤岗油甘埔锦荣金属制品厂 > AboutAbout us
About us

  本廠在1990年將生產綫移國內東莞,成立"錦榮金屬製品廠", 而香港公司"錦興金屬製品廠"負責全面的管理, 本公司有三十多年的經驗為客戶製造各種五金零件, 適用於手袋配件,電器,音響,等多種類型配件。為了提高生產力及對客人的服務, 本廠並不斷地加設自動車床, 數控車床, CNC電腦車床,鋅合金壓鑄機等。產品暢銷國內市場, 出口多個國家和地區。歡迎各界朋友蒞臨指導, 參觀和業務洽談。 We are a well established HK based manufacturer since 1973. In 1990, we expanded to China for continuous production in order to provide better service to our customers. Our China factory is managed under the name of Kam Hing Metal Factory and is located at Dongguan , Guangdong, China. Our HK head office is focus on the customer relationship and business management. 本公司成立於1973年,為了提高生產力及對客人的服務,在1990年將生產線移國內東莞區,成立“錦榮金屬制品廠”,而香港公司“錦興金屬制品廠”負責全面的管理。 We have 30 years of experience on making metal components, for use in hand bags, key rings, electronic devices, etc. 本公司有三十多年的經驗為客戶制造各種五金零件,適用於手袋配件、電器、音響等多類型配件,歡迎各廠商來樣加工。 If you want to have more information, please fax or email to us. Look forward to hearing from you soon.